Somatic Coaching for Women Leaders

Step into your power – Discover what’s possible

Somatic coaching helps women make deep changes that are sustainable.

Whether you want to bring forward your vision with confidence, increase your influence and impact or shape your legacy, our 1-2-1 coaching can enable you to realise your ambitions.

We start with you. Together we explore who you want to be as a leader to fulfil your potential.   You will be supported to uncover and articulate what you stand for, what your vision is and the impact you want to have in the world.

We co-create spaces in which you can tune into the wisdom of your body and build your capacity to show up fully and authentically.  Doing so allows us to identify those limiting, inherited habits and patterns of behaviour. We can then move beyond your pattern of self-sabotage, leveraging your natural strengths to create with greater confidence and ease.

If you are a woman executive, female founder or leading change, get in touch to learn more about how somatic coaching can help you.

Or give us a call on 044 2380 270731

Read the stories by those we’ve worked alongside

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